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Level-Up Rice Recipes

Turn your plain, boring rice into leveled up meals with the help of UFC Fun Chow, UFC Ready Recipes, and UFC Spaghetti Sauce. Learn how to upgrade your rice like a real UFC Meal Master!

Paella Afritada Turmeric Chicken

6-8 servings
60 mins cook time


5 servings
40 mins cook time

Cheesy Mechado Beef Rice

6-8 servings
30 mins cook time

Ready-licious Remixes

Your favorite Pinoy classics just got reeeemixed with UFC Ready Recipes!
Get ready to learn how to create new dishes out of Filipino signature recipes like a true UFC Meal Master!

Tuna Mango Curry

4 servings
45 mins cook time

Seafood Menudo Sopas

6-8 servings
60 mins cook time

Chicken Curry-age

4-6 servings
45 mins cook time

Fave Meal Upgrades

Innov-eat your favorite meals & make upgrades with the help of UFC Fun Chow and UFC Spaghetti Sauce!
Explore the many creative ways you can enhance any dish like a true UFC Meal Master!

Pansit Bihon

4-5 servings
16 mins cook time


4 servings
20 mins cook time


4 servings
20 mins cook time

A true Meal Master is #AlwaysReady for any dish. Find new
ways to level up, remix, and upgrade all your favorite
recipes here on our website!