NutriAsia - Humba



  1. 2 Tbsp GOLDEN FIESTA Palm Oil
  2. 1 kg pork belly (liempo), cut into chunks
  3. ½ cup DATU PUTI Soy Sauce
  4. ½ cup DATU PUTI Vinegar
  5. 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  6. ¼ cup sliced white onions
  7. 3 cups water
  8. 2 Tbsp SILVER SWAN Salted Black Beans
  9. 1/3 cup cut up panutsa
  10. 3 Tbsp brown sugar
  11. ½ cup banana blossom
  12. 1 pc bay leaf
  13.  ½ tsp UFC Whole Pepper


  • 1. Marinate pork in Datu Puti Soy Sauce and Datu Puti Vinegar for 30 minutes.  Drain, reserve marinade.
  • 2. Heat Golden Fiesta Palm Oil.  Brown pork slices until golden.  Set aside.
  • 3. Saute garlic and  onion.  Add pork and remaining ingredients.  Cover and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes or until pork is tender.  Serve

Do you like this recipe? It’s Adobo time! Check out the other recipes similar to this: adobong putiadobo flakes, and chicken-pork adobo.

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